Friday, 11 July 2008

For the Last Few Days...

...We have been making a crazy, miniature, naïve-style, shanty house. Twas much fun to have a change after the more careful and considered props for Chrissie Macdonald's latest Orange ads. It is really strange and very exciting to see the ads popping up everywhere now after spending the last two months on the job (four were featured in Monday's Metro...). Keep your eyes peeled for now and I will scan some images in when I get a minute. Today we finished our house and now we are sourcing lazer guns, materials for making a moonscape play mat and other sexy Barbarella-type things. Another week of making and getting our hands dirty for a big shoot next weekend...Perfect, although I am very much missing the Redchurch St crew, the banter and the daily structure. It is all a bit haphazard again!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Oh yeah, we went to White Heat at Madame Jojo's on Tuesday to meet the Radio Clit boys about some fun, possible album artwork...Not the best place for a meeting of sorts but nonetheless a very randomly fun night on a Tuesday, made all the more dangerous with £2 vodka, soda and limes...


Everyone knows I am not a fan of fake nails in the slightest but I always keep my eyes out for Anna, moral support and all that jazz...These are the most serious find of the week, daaan Holloway. Don't mess.


P.s Bring on Jimmy Cliff at Rise Festival in Finsbury Park on Sunday. Headlining at around 7.30pm, he is not one to miss!

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