Tuesday, 23 September 2008

love you longtime

It's been so long. Bad Anna.
Today I'm playing catch up, tax, emails, phonecalls, nails! Because the last few months have been hectic! We have been making and creating delights left right and centre. There has been little time to play on the blog. But here goes.Photobucket
Yesterday I adopted 3 'NEW' letters. Saved from the land fill they will have a new lease of life one day, feeling them big time, and so was everyone else as I left work, asking me are you putting them in the bin? Are you mad? Dear oh dear!Photobucket
Other from the usual bin raiding Lauren and I spent last week juggling the last few days of Orange work at Peepshow and making a castle for YCN. We spent about 6 hours trying to find plastercine. Sadly it seems kids don't play anymore, just sit on their xbox or playstation. We went to 4 different Woolworths, a W H smiths, Early learning centre and a few pound shops. Eventually we found this setPhotobucket (such fruity colours) and then revelled in covering our mountain in the stuff. It smelt really nice too...!
I have spent a lot of time playing with Ruairi's puppy. PhotobucketShe is called Beans and so cute I cant leave her alone! Makes me want a pet to call my own. I keep telling everyone about a hedgehog I found for sale on the gumtree. £50 for a little african hedgehog. Apparently it was 2 years old and not getting along with the owners baby! It was so sweet. But my room is to full of stuff for any pets just yet. Maybe when I move to somewhere bigger everyone can come check my city farm all adopted from the gumtree.

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