Friday, 12 January 2007 pretty things.

Below are some of my favourite things. I treasure the little things in life that inspire me. Markets, car boot sales, junk shops- love 'em. Always a treasure to be found. I collect kitsch jewellery (particulary brooches) and hair slides and combs. I love hearts, bows, clouds, rainbows, ice-creams and paint palettes. I Love plastic, irredescent, glittery things. I also collect original psychedelic books, posters, mags, pots and random objects.

Yesterday I made slides of some of my favourite possesions/patterns and did a photoshoot, projecting them on to a lovely model called Sarah who is perfect in them. It was soooo much fun and three of the images have a real 60s/70s quality to them. Result. I am pleased and will continue to keep producing in this manner. To see them, you will have to come to my degree show in Brighton on 1st -7th June or our show in the Truman Brewery 7th-12th June. We have the lovely Bridge gallery and will be putting on a PHAT party somewhere near on the opening night, with the help of the wonderful James Suckling. It is ages away...but that is my life at the moment. Plan, plan, plan. Forward thinking, work, work, work. I love it.

p.s anyone that finds me a plastic colourful, paint palette brooch gets a seriously cool present and maybe a medal, trophy and rosette. Get hunting people. My birthday is in November and that is my next planning session. Only joking.

A few from the collection. I have outgrown my jewellery box.

A kids clock puzzle I found at Columbia Road Flower market before Christmas. If you haven't been to Columbia Road-GO! It's one of the best things to do in London.

A poetry book from '67. Stumbled across it randomly on ebay after looking for it for 3 years! The image is a wraparound book cover that I scanned and joined up on photoshop.

A page from a Dracula annual from around 1970 I have never been able to find any info on it. Bought it for 1 nugget in the Sunday market. You should see the rest of it! Even Dracula was brainwashed by the orgies of the Sexual Revolution!

A couple of paint palettes... I also have a 60s table in the shape of a palette...

That is it. Maybe you are bored. Maybe you want to be sick. Maybe you have just developed a passion you didn't know existed....

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